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Please schedule an appointment prior to arriving at Arch Family Care.

Phone: (304) 265-7831

Fax: (833) 819-0252

How to Get Started  |  Eligibility & Cost  |  Location  |  Appointments  |  Care Team  |  Services 

Arch Family Care offers primary care services, not limited to the following list. 

Personal Health

Preventive Care


Acute Illness

Minor Injuries

Disease Management

Lab Work and Vaccinations


Medication Prescribing 


Coordination with Outside Providers

Referral to Specialists

Work Related Health

If you are unsure whether a medical issue can be addressed by Arch Family Care, please call (304) 265-7831.

For a serious or life threatening situation, call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room.


Just like with any other community provider, your personal health information for services at Arch Family Care will be kept private and confidential by Comprehensive Health Solutions. By law, your personal health information cannot be shared with anyone without your written consent. Personal health information is protected in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) and any other applicable privacy laws.